The Bio Disc, Living Water, Scalar Energy & Your Health
The Living Water: The nature healing power

Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen. Also known as water, it's the most essential element next to air for our survival. The human body is a water machine running primarily on water and minerals. By weight, our body is about 72% water.
Naturally the quality of water we consume affect our overall state of health. Every healing and life giving process happens in our body through water. Our blood, the very substance of our existence is more than 83% water, flowing through our body distributing nutrients, oxygen and antibodies on demand.
The purity of the water we drink greatly impacts our strength and energy level. Any toxic chemicals, chlorine included, that gets into our body, will use the body's strength and energy to repair and reduce the damage done by that contaminant. Consumption of water laced with contaminants will cause the properties of our blood to change and negatively affects virtually every aspect of our health. So, enrich the drinking water you consume with energy from the BioDisc.

Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen. Also known as water, it's the most essential element next to air for our survival. The human body is a water machine running primarily on water and minerals. By weight, our body is about 72% water.
Naturally the quality of water we consume affect our overall state of health. Every healing and life giving process happens in our body through water. Our blood, the very substance of our existence is more than 83% water, flowing through our body distributing nutrients, oxygen and antibodies on demand.
The purity of the water we drink greatly impacts our strength and energy level. Any toxic chemicals, chlorine included, that gets into our body, will use the body's strength and energy to repair and reduce the damage done by that contaminant. Consumption of water laced with contaminants will cause the properties of our blood to change and negatively affects virtually every aspect of our health. So, enrich the drinking water you consume with energy from the BioDisc.
The Biodisc
The Bio Disc is a natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR energy frequencies that have no negative side effects. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life.
What is it Made Of?
The Bio Disc is made of 13 TECHNICALLY ENGINEERED natural minerals. A NANO FUSION process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together, at a molecular level. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy known as “Scalar Energy”.
How does the energy transfer to the water using the Bio Disc?
The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, or the liquid can be poured over the bio disc where it ‘picks up’the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world.Benefits Of BioDisc :
By drinking the BioDisc energized water, you'll benefit the following:
- Energizes water (healing water), Liquids and cells at molecular level.
- Detoxify, Rejuvenate and Hydrate body cells at atomic level.
- Energises our body to be less fatigue.
- Helps balance the 'Ying' & 'Yang' and create a 'Chi' Life Force.
- The calming effects of the resonance, increases mental cognition.
- It reduces stress levels.
- Assist in pain relief.
- Help reduce the effects of aging, making the skin look healthier and younger looking.
- Can Influence the body Fluid, blood, lymphatic and cellular systems
- Increase Blood Oxygen level and nutrient absorbtion
- Blood is cleansed and its celullar elements function as they should thereby improving your immune system
- Strenghten Chemical bonds within the DNA Making it more resistant to damage.
- Reverse athritis, destroy uric acid in gout, inflammation and much more.
- Assist pain relief in joints/wounds by reflecting the sun rays through disc onto the affected area.
- Help reduce swelling, inflammation and even migraines.
- Harmonize the frequency in your body and nullifies the effects of eletromagnetic waves.
- Bind Tar & Nicotine in Cigarettes so the body doesn't absorb these harmful subsatnce.
- Extend the shelf life of all vegetables fruits and meats by placing the dsic on refrigerator.
- improves the taste of wine and other alcholic beverages.
- Removes jet lag and helps improve nattural sleep patterns.
- Unbelieveable results with use on fish farm, poultry, piggery.
- Save upto 50% of your fuel consumption either for your car or generating set.
The Amezcua BioDisc has been evaluated & certified by the following institutions :
- I.H.M. Institute, Japan Water crystal photography and energy levels in water
- Dr. med. Manfred Doepp, Germany Energy levels in water and human body
- PROGNOS, Germany Water surface tension value
- PSB Laboratory, Singapore Positive energy field
- SCHOTT AG, Germany Manufacturer of bio disc glass.
Difference Between Biodisc & Other Products :
While other products may also energise water, BioDisc energised water will retain energised for months not just 48 hours. Furthermore, Biodisc is a tool that can transfer it's energy by direct contact or by light rays to our body. It's portable and requires no power source.Bring it in your pocket or your handbag. Bring along when you travel. Make and share BioDisc energised water anywhere - during vacation, in the plane or even in the jungle!
Care Tips for Amezcua Bio Disc :
The Amezcua Bio Disc is made of glass and is fragile and breakable. Therefore:1. Do not place in hot water / liquid. Exposing the bio disc to high heat may cause it to break.
2. Do not place inside the freezer compartment of refrigerators. Extreme temperatures can cause your bio disc to crack.
3. Do not drop to the ground.
Check Comment Session Below for Collated Testimonies from around the world.
For More call/whatsapp +234 802 362 6089
Testimony by : Dr Amany, Sudan
ReplyDeleteI am a physical therapist working in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and got to know of the BioDisc. I started to use the BioDisc before and after my sessions with my patients. I have seen great changes and improvements to them! A great device!
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Testimonial (1) - Child Reading Disability.
ReplyDeleteMy own son who has reading disabilities is now using the Chi Pendant. He is 10 years old and unable to recognise the alphabets.
I let him wear the Chi Pendant day and night and now especially while I am teaching him, I see great improvement in him. I've also tried it on a 18 year old student who is now able to obtain 80% marks. His mother just could not believe it!.
As a mother and also in the medical field of rehabilitation (therapist) for 17 years, I cannot express my happiness when I achieved new results I obtained from using the Chi Pendant. It's worth millions to me.
Testimonial (2) - Paralysis.
My patient is a 3 year old boy who is paralyse and speechless since birth. After giving him BioDisc energised water to consume for about 14 days, I started giving him physical therapy sessions twice a week. What the boy has achieved by drinking the BioDisc energised water is stunning:
He started calling him Mom and his elder sister by name.
After 15 session of therapy he started kicking his Mom when he's agitated.
He can now say full sentence like ‘Give me milk’ and ‘I want my toy’.
He stopped having constipation problems.
He can sit down more than 10 minutes by himself without being aided.
Mr. T. Ramakrishnan PJK, 62, Cheras, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Knee pain, diabetic, HB pressure, memory, etc.
Rubbing the BioDisc over my knee anti-clockwise 10 minutes three times daily and drinking at least 6 glasses of BioDisc energised water has helped in the followings :
1. Previously injured knee is as good as the left knee.
2. Diabetic & pressure medication dosage reduced 50% by my doctor.
3. Don't need to use reading glasses anymore. Power used to be 125/125.
4. 70% increase in memory.
5. Back to bathing cold bath after 5 years of hot shower.
6. Although 62, I feel like 42 and go about doing my job like 32!.
Mr. Francisco, Spain.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Kidney stone/ Leg fatigue.
Francisco suffer pains when he eases himself due to kidney stones. He went for alternative treatment but did not recover fully. After drinking Biodisc energised water, the pain disappeared and he experienced greater vitality.
His girlfriend who is a nurse experience leg pains due to her nature of work. After undergoing numerous therapies that did not help, she decided to drink BioDisc energised water. Her pains are now gone and she feels better than ever.
Testimony by : Ms Evelyn, Selangor, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Tooth Implant/Surgery.
I had just undergone for an implant on my third upper premolar tooth earlier in the day. It was a 2 hours minor surgery with 4 jabs and eight stitches to close the gumline. My whole face below the eyes was swollen to double its size. I could feel the swelling and numbness.
My dentist gave lots of painkillers and antibiotics for me to take to bring down the swelling. When I got home I just sprayed BioDisc energised water all over my face. I also used the BioDisc turning it counter clockwise over my face. Amazingly after 1/2 hour, the swelling subsided and the numbness gone. I didn't feel any pain or discomfort unlike 3 months ago when I had a tooth removed, I had to take painkiller as the extraction was painful.
This time, I did not take any painkillers or tablets that night so that I can show my dentist the wonders of BioDisc and the energised water the next day.
Testimony from : Mr Beh, Selangor, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Excruciating & Embarrasing Pain.
This is in relation to my subject suffering from bleeding and painful piles. Lying face down, shine a torchlight through the BioDisc in an anti clock-wise direction towards the affected part at the buttock area. Within 7 minutes, the subject felt an urge to ease.
After easing, the procedure was continued for another 15 minutes whereby the subject felt pin pricking sensation on the piles which later began to shrank. The subject no longer feel pain when easing nor experience bleeding. The subject bowel movement is now regular.
En Zainal Abidin, 49 Tmn Sri Subang, PJ, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Migrain, calmness
My friends used to call me a migraine junky as I suffer from migraine attacks about once in 7 - 10 days. Not realising it, after drinking the BioDisc energised water, for the last 5 months, I had only got my migraine attacks twice!
It has really given me a lot of freedom as I am not controlled by my migraine anymore!. Further, I now fell much calmer and do not get upset easily. And all this by just drinking BioDisc energised water!.
Testimonial from Julie Ying, Singapore
ReplyDeleteWhy did I buy Bio Disc?
Because of my breathing problem. They said the disc can create energy and can maybe help me solve it. So I bought one and tried it.
One day while sitting down and reading my newspaper, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I couldn't breathe and so I used the disc and placed it on my chest, slowly feel better.
I drink the Bio water everyday and place the disc under my bed every night. When I wake up in the morning my body feels very light & fresh. I also had backache and skin problems. During the night when I sleep, my skin always felt very itchy. Now, my backache problem is much better and my skin no longer feels itchy and has become smooth. Also my breathing problem has been solved.
I can feel it improving my health.
Thank you.
Julie Ying (21.08.2006)
En Zainal Abidin, 49 Tmn Sri Subang, PJ, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Migrain, calmness
My friends used to call me a migraine junky as I suffer from migraine attacks about once in 7 - 10 days. Not realising it, after drinking the BioDisc energised water, for the last 5 months, I had only got my migraine attacks twice!
It has really given me a lot of freedom as I am not controlled by my migraine anymore!. Further, I now fell much calmer and do not get upset easily. And all this by just drinking BioDisc energised water!.
Testimony by : Prem Nath Chopra, 62 Years .India.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much from me and my family to the creator of the BioDisc. I suffer from asthma, high blood pressure and a slight heart problem and have been drinking BioDisc energised water for a year. I now enjoy a happy life without any trouble. BioDisc has alleviated my sufferings and I now offer BioDisc energised water to needy people to assist them in their health.
Testimony by : Arthur Apuli, USA.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Hypo-Thyroid.
I have been diagnosed with having hypo-thyroid and lost weight of more than 5 pounds every week. Lot of medications have been taken to control it but nothing seems to work. A family friend who had one extra bio-disc lend it to me to energized water that I drank with my medication.
To my surprise, my vomitting stop, appetite got better, my energy and weight came back up in a week. I already own a bio-disc for my self, my children and for my wife who is in medical field working long hours. This is A great buy and I highly recommend it for everyone!!!
Testimony by : Prem Nath Chopra, 62, India.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much from me and my family to the creator of the BioDisc. I suffer from asthma, high blood pressure and a slight heart problem and have been drinking BioDisc energised water for a year. I now enjoy a happy life without any trouble. BioDisc has alleviated my sufferings and I now offer BioDisc energised water to needy people to assist them in their health.
Testimony by : Jakana Muwendo, Uganda.
ReplyDeleteTestimonial - Constipation/Vitality.
I drink BioDisc energised water and no longer have to eat a banana or pawpaw every meal to avoid constipation.
My mother is 81 years old. She has been having difficulty waking up in the morning for prayers. After I gave her one of the two BioDiscs I bought, I heard she was tending her field around the homestead. She last did this a little more than ten years ago. Thanks to the BioDisc.
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