MET Water - The Healing Power of The First structured Bottle Water in the World
Structured water: The Ultimate food; the Greatest medicine..

MET (Magnetic Enhancement Technology) Water; the first structured bottled water in the world; patented in the USA, the only bottled water that uses physics, not chemicals, to re-structure its water.
According to scientific research cells absorb structured water better than unstructured water, because the molecules of unstructured water are too big for the cells to properly absorb, making it difficult to properly hydrate. More than 98% of the world drinking water is not structured and lacks enough energy.

MET (Magnetic Enhancement Technology) Water; the first structured bottled water in the world; patented in the USA, the only bottled water that uses physics, not chemicals, to re-structure its water.
According to scientific research cells absorb structured water better than unstructured water, because the molecules of unstructured water are too big for the cells to properly absorb, making it difficult to properly hydrate. More than 98% of the world drinking water is not structured and lacks enough energy.
MET uses Natural Action Technology to purify and energize water: cleaned energetically in order to neutralize toxins and create balanced water.
MET technology breaks water clusters down to one molecule, allowing for better hydration for humans, animals and plants.The MET water is known to have same structured hexagonal shape with the likes of the biodisc energized water, zamzam water, Lourdes water and other few around the world that possess healing properties. You are 70- 80 percent water. As we age that percentage of water drops. However, if you are drinking structured water, it will all be the same.
The body every 7 weeks renewed its water, mostly by what you drink. Each day an average adult loses 2.5 to 3 litres of water under normal conditions.
That water must be replaced.That is why it’s so important to hydrate properly. Hydrate using MET water.
MET water undergoes a physics process using high-energy sound waves at a specific frequency and natural action technology that gives MET water many unique properties.BENEFITS OF MET WATER
1. Fresh tasting invigorating water.
2. No more dry itchy skin.
3. Detoxify, Rejuvenate and Hydrate body cells at atomic level.
4. Energizes our body to be less fatigue and reduces stress level.
5. Assist in pain relief and aid the reversal of arthritis.
6. Improves the taste of wine and other alcoholic beverages.
7. Harmonize the frequency in your body and nullifies the effects of electromagnetic waves.
8. Help reduce the effects of aging, making the skin look healthier and younger looking.
9. Blood is cleansed and its cellular elements function as they should thereby improving your immune system
10. Increases longevity of all systems that use water.
11. Structured water increases minerals, medications or any other supplement absorption to 100 percent.
12. Eliminates polluting salts, chemicals or corrosive byproducts.
13. Assists in the release of healthful vitamins & minerals to all life.
14. Structured water is the ultimate food.
15. Structured water is the Greatest medicine.
10. Increases longevity of all systems that use water.
11. Structured water increases minerals, medications or any other supplement absorption to 100 percent.
12. Eliminates polluting salts, chemicals or corrosive byproducts.
13. Assists in the release of healthful vitamins & minerals to all life.
14. Structured water is the ultimate food.
15. Structured water is the Greatest medicine.
MET water doesn't just come in structured water, it also comes as :-
1. Alkaline Fulvic Acid.
2. Silver Solution.
3. Ionic Vitamin Minerals.
For More call/whatsapp +234 802 362 6089
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