What is Structured Water? The Natural health benefits to the body!
Structured water: The Ultimate food; the Greatest medicine..

Scientists, exploring the properties of water, came to the conclusion that it is in some sense really alive. Structured water is not a myth, this useful phenomenon can improve health and rejuvenate the body, scientists say.
According to the results of numerous studies, scientists and physicians came to the conclusion that water is an information system that has memory, structure and energy.
More than 98% of the world drinkable water is dead; that is lost memory, not structured and so lacks enough energy.

Scientists, exploring the properties of water, came to the conclusion that it is in some sense really alive. Structured water is not a myth, this useful phenomenon can improve health and rejuvenate the body, scientists say.
According to the results of numerous studies, scientists and physicians came to the conclusion that water is an information system that has memory, structure and energy.
More than 98% of the world drinkable water is dead; that is lost memory, not structured and so lacks enough energy.
Extraordinary properties of water
The Japanese Masaru Emoto, with the help of macro images, was able to show how the structure of the water molecule varies depending on the source from which it was taken and how it interacted with it.
It turned out that the crystals of frozen spring water look like beautiful snowflakes, and tap water - as something unsymmetrical. In a peculiar way, water reacts to music and even words to it!
What is structured water and how to get it?
Water, which has a harmonious and ordered crystal lattice, is called structured. In appearance, for the naked eye, it is no different from the ordinary.
But under a microscope with a huge gain, you can see how different its crystal structure is. Structured water is absorbed much better, since it has, roughly speaking, a "suitable" diameter of molecules, say scientists. And yet, in its properties, it is close to intracellular fluid - therefore it can improve and rejuvenate the body.
Several claim by identified individuals from across the globe says the structured water has helped them in different ways with issues like High blood pressure, Glaucoma, Sickle Cell, Pains, Arthritis, Immovable Neck, Bone Problem, Low Libido, Malnourishment, Osteoporosis, Fibroid, Leg About to be Amputated, High Fever, Malaria Parasite, Sleeping Problem, Lack of Sexual Desire, stretch marks, Even HIV as they change from drinking unstructured water to structured water.
Several claim by identified individuals from across the globe says the structured water has helped them in different ways with issues like High blood pressure, Glaucoma, Sickle Cell, Pains, Arthritis, Immovable Neck, Bone Problem, Low Libido, Malnourishment, Osteoporosis, Fibroid, Leg About to be Amputated, High Fever, Malaria Parasite, Sleeping Problem, Lack of Sexual Desire, stretch marks, Even HIV as they change from drinking unstructured water to structured water.
Measuring Structured water
The Structured water also know as hexagonal water today could be measured. According to Dr. D.L."West" Marrin, Ph.D. of Califonia State University; who conducts O-NMR Measurements, structured hexagonal water usually measure between 60 and 70 Hz - indicating a higher percentage of 6 ring structures (H20)6.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has the ability to measure molecular size and has been recently employed to determine the structure of the water inside the body!
Where to find structured water
Scientists believe that thaw water and water from natural sources have the correct structure. Naturally, the water from the mountain peaks or from the freezer will have different properties, and the first is much preferable. However, for lack of a better refrigeration - also a great way to get structured water at home.
Water from natural sources, many call a truly healing - in almost every region there are stories about springs. Who gave health and longevity, from ancient times to such places people came together for bathing, tried to collect with themselves healing water. Such sources are often found on the territory of ancient religious shrines.
In fact, the healing water from these springs is a real structured one - its special properties are influenced by the successful location of the source, and many external factors - for example, the positive energy of the place. After all, the belief of thousands of people in the possibility of healing with the help of such water also affects its structure and "memory".
There are also industrial ways of ordering the structure of water, so you can meet structured bottled water on sale such as
MET Water by Minerals for Life,
which is the first structured bottled water in the world; a USA Patented Technology product. Also on the Internet you can find and purchase a device with which you can structure water at home known as The Amezcua Biodisc by QNet.
The world community has not yet reached a consensus on structured water: the unique utility of such a form is just one version. However, reviews of structured water are unambiguous: its regular use significantly improves the condition of the whole organism.
Due to its magnificent ability, so many have coined their own name for it. some call it the living water, many call it Energized or energy water, others the healing water, many other call it the bio energized water, even some call it biodisc water while some others call it the bio water. Whatever you choose to call it, you can't take away the nature healing power of the Structured water - the ideal water; the greatest Medicine.
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Due to its magnificent ability, so many have coined their own name for it. some call it the living water, many call it Energized or energy water, others the healing water, many other call it the bio energized water, even some call it biodisc water while some others call it the bio water. Whatever you choose to call it, you can't take away the nature healing power of the Structured water - the ideal water; the greatest Medicine.
For More call/whatsapp +234 802 362 6089
Just to add to this beautiful article, you can also make structured water at home with a water structuring device. These devices can cost anything from very cheap to well over 1K USD. Cheaper ones are when using magnets or 2 bottles that vortex water.
ReplyDeleteAs this topic intrigued me and could not afford water structuring devices as yet, I watched a video where the person was using marbles to structure water. The video is here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTaApZodT1Y
However, I used small stones from the river and filled two 2-liter coke bottles just to experiment. I realized that I have run the water through the two bottles, one on top of the other, 2 to 4 times to get very appreciable difference to notice the difference.
Now I just need to get the device to see how that from the device would taste and feel like...
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